BPStats Win-32/Win-64

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  • Version 2.24.0531.1049
  • Download 52
  • File Size 4,326,984
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date February 22, 2023
  • Last Updated July 4, 2024

BPStats Win-32/Win-64

Changes Summary

V 2.24.0531.1049

  • ReadMe option removed from Help Menu as it is available from the Program Start folder
  • EULA option removed from Help Menu as it is available by clicking the word EULA at bottom left of most windows
  • Disclaimer updated
  • User Guide updated

V 2.24.0401.1504

  • Bug Fix:
    • Dates and Times were causing failures in some computer configurations. This has been fixed.
  • 12-hr / 24-hr Time Format
    • Some users work with a 24-hr clock while others prefer 12-hr clocks that append AM or PM to the time. This option has moved to the main screen under Options at the top of the screen. The setting is retained so only needs to be changed when your preference changes.
  • Dates and Times
    • Data is now displayed as dictated by your computer settings
  • Summary Charts
    • Suppress display/print of Prescribed Chart when no Prescribed values present
  • Software Version
    • This information was displayed in the bottom-right corner of most Forms (screens) but has now been replaced with the word Version. When the mouse is moved over this text, the actual Version Number will be displayed.
  • Support Requests
    • This option is available by clicking Help and choosing Support at the top of most Forms (screens / windows).

V 2.24.0306.1447

  • New Features:
    • Data Input
      • User can choose when working with Time values whether they will be expressed as 12hr or 24hr
    • Charts/Graphs
      • After changing a Date for reporting, you must click in the Heading area before Data collection is executed
  • Bug Fix
    • When creating a New Client, a condition could arise that would create an invalid Client Record. This has been fixed.
  • Cosmetic
    • Some Input areas on forms have been repositioned to improve displays.

V 2.24.0227.1512

This release finalized previous changes and added these fixes:

  • Graphs that displayed values on bars was displaying zero-values too far below base line. This has been changed to bring the Zero-value immediately below the Base Line.
  • Report selections for Graphs showed the Summary report at the bottom of the list while the Summary actually appears at the beginning of the displays. This have been updated to appear in its correct sequence.
  • Heart Rate (Pulse) Graph had incorrect Heading. This has been corrected.

V 2.24.0224.1009 - Beta

This Beta Release provides substantial enhancements to the Blood Pressure Statistics application designed to improve data input, analysis, and reporting.

  • Client Information input
    • Streamlined to collect only basic Client Information
    • Option to input Prescribed Targets
  • Hypertensive Stage 2 thresholds
    • Updated to reflect most recent recommendations from AHA
  • Data Input
    • Color Codes (top of form) notated as AHA recommendations
    • Prescribed Ranges (when present) displayed below the SYS and DIA input boxes
  • Graphs (Charts)
    • Data
      • Color Tablet expanded to allow customizing the Summary Charts
    • Summary
      • AHA Standards Graph: Displays Systolic, Diastolic, and Pulse
      • Prescribed Targets Graph: Displays Systolic and Diastolic
      • Grid (bottom left): Displays values collected from the Month's data showing Average, Lowest, and Highest for each of Systolic, Diastolic, and Pulse
  • Other minor bug fixes

V 2.24.0119.1852

  • Bug Fix: When New Client selected and subsequently cancelled, an error message would be incorrectly generated when next choosing to Input data.
  • Bug Fix: Forms (windows) could be moved outside the screen boundaries. This is no longer possible.
  • Typos in error messages and hints corrected.

V 2.23.1218.1609

  • Added Support option to Help menu
  • Forms-handling adjustments
  • Updates in preparation for future enhancements

V 2.23.1211.1546

  • Update process informs user of progress
  • Minor bug fix
  • Cosmetic changes

V 2.23.1209.1858

  • Software Updates process enhanced and more efficient
  • Minor changes, bug fixes, typos corrected

V 2.23.1117.1203

  • Fixed minor bug where bottom StatusBar could get distorted after form (window) was resized.

V 2.23.1114.1601

  • Main Form
    • When Client data is missing or incorrect, access to Data Input and Graphs & Reports is disabled. Only the Client Maintenance features will be available until this information is updated.
    • Bottom-left corner of Window now has direct link to the EULA as published on the BPStats WebSite
    • Bottom Center (Copyright area) when clicked will present a Disclaimer
  • Client Information
    • Collects additional detail that enhances age-related Blood Pressure calculations
    • Accepts Targets that have been prescribed by your medical practitioner
  • Data Input
    • Streamlined data entry by jumping to the Time field
    • Bottom-left corner of Window now has direct link to the EULA as published on the BPStats WebSite
    • Bottom Center (Copyright area) when clicked will present a Disclaimer
  • Charts & Reports
    • Bottom-left corner of Window now has direct link to the EULA as published on the BPStats WebSite
    • Bottom Center (Copyright area) when clicked will present a Disclaimer
    • Blood Pressure Category Chart
      • Descriptions have been enhanced
      • Minor typos corrected
      • Clicking anywhere on the Chart will direct your default Browser to www.heart.org where you can view their perspective on CRITICAL BP levels.

V 2.23.703.952

  • Moved Summary Report option ahead of Combined Report so that Summary appears on first page of reports

V 2.23.601.1853

  • User Guide
    • Updated documentation to show latest features.
    • Now includes latest Version Number of application

V 2.23.512.932(2)

  • UserGuide update
    • Graphs & Reports
      • Summary incorrectly showed zero values on the Average line. This has been updated in the current release and can be downloaded manually.

V 2.23.512.932

  • Graphs & Reports: cosmetic changes
    • Active Tab is now colored
    • Data Tab: Information moved to be centered in form (except Client & data selecting)

V 2.23.503.1656

  • Main form cosmetic changes
  • Data Input cosmetic changes
  • Graph displays enhanced
  • Summary (Graph) full release

V 2.23.428.1913

  • Cosmetic changes to several parts of Charts section.

V 2.23.425.1642

  • Added option to display a Blood Chart that shows how readings are classified. Source data provided by American Medical Association, Mayo Clinic, and Canadian Health Services.

V 2.23.328.1521

  • Charts: new Tab add to show Summary data (Beta Test mode)

V 2.23.303.1609

  • EULA and ReadMe updated to Rich Text format


  • Minor changes to Forms appearance


  • Performance improvements
  • Some forms can now be resized by user

V 2.22.927.1547

  • Improvements to App updater
  • Minor bug fixes

V 2.22.608.1606

  • Data input is now sorted in Ascending order on first display
  • Input error on Time of Day fixed
  • Missing titles for SYS, DIA, Pulse corrected

V 2.22.606.1401

  • Code to ensure forms remain in screen display boundaries
  • Code to disallow future dates during input

V 2.22.601.1519

  • Improved Data Input process by placing details on seperate form
  • Improved Date and time formatting
  • Code changes to improve efficiency

V 2.22.531.1916

  • Bug fix in graphs where some bars were displaying wider than normal
  • Application name changed from Blood Pressure Statistics to BPStats
  • Minor code changes to improve Data Input flow


  • Data Input reformatted to improve work flow